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Charles Théophile Angrand

Charles Théophile Angrand, born April 19, 1854 in Criquetot-sur-Ouville and died on 1er April 1926 in Rouen. XIXth. French.

French neo-impressionist painter this artist is part of the School of Rouen.

It is a visit to the retrospective exhibition of Jean-Baptiste Corot, which confirms his desire to be a painter. He then followed in parallel the courses of the municipal school of painting and drawing of Rouen, under the direction of Gustave Morin. It was in 1878, that he participated for the first time in an exhibition, during the 26du 26e Rouen Municipal Fine Arts Fair.


Around 1883-1884, he became friends with Georges Seurat, whom he was influenced by. Around 1886, he also forged links with Van Gogh..

Van Gogh offered Charles Théophile Angrand an exchange of paintings. The Dutch painter wanted to acquireLes Poules: in the farmyard, an 1884 painting.

He was interested in the technique of the Conté pencil, used by Seurat, from 1890, and created, after a biblical series started in 1894, the series ofMaternities.

After a brief return to oil painting, between 1905 and 1908, he turned to pastel, which became his technique of choice until the end of his life, in 1926.


Couple in the street (1887, Paris, Musée d'Orsayokk

To request an estimate or simply share with us a work ofCharles Théophile Angrand, do not hesitate to contact us at06.

Astrée Gallery - ATrgeades.com

10 Rue Damiette, 76 000 Rouen


Pierre Lemaitre
Votre antiquaire à Rouen
Antiquités et Objets D'art
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